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Resource List for LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers and Other LGBTQ+ People in Need During COVID-19
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Verified LGBTQ+ Affirming and Immigrant Friendly Resources Providing Services During COVID-19″ font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Below, we have included a list highlighting some of the emergency relief funds and verified LGBTQ+ affirming and immigrant friendly resources continuing to offer help (either in-person or virtually) in the United States during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Whether you are seeking LGBTQ+ asylum or undocumented, a LGBTQ+ student impacted by early school and dorm closures, or simply in need of a free LGBTQ+ affirming service, InReach is here for you during this crisis.
*Check our free resource website and mobile app for more detailed information on each verified direct service provider listed below.
This list will be updated regularly by the InReach team during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact us here or leave a comment on this post if you know of a LGBTQ+ and immigrant friendly resource that should be added to this list. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”COVID-19 Emergency Funds” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium (SDIRC)
- About the Fund: The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium (SDIRC), a project of Alliance San Diego, has launched the SDIRC Immigrant Relief Fund to provide grants of up to $500 to immigrants in San Diego County who have lost all or part of their income due to the coronavirus pandemic, along with other emergencies that may arise in the future.
- Who They Help: To be eligible for the fund, immigrants must live in San Diego County and have experienced a loss of income due to reduced hours, temporarily not working, or loss of job because of the pandemic. Preference will be given to those who are unable to qualify for other benefits.
- For More Information: Visit their website.
APEN COVID-19 Emergency Community Stabilization Fund
- About the Fund: APEN is organizing a COVID-19 Emergency Community Stabilization Fund to make sure that the working class Asian immigrants and refugees in their communities have what they need to stay home and stay healthy during this pandemic.
- Who They Help: Asian immigrants and refugees in areas where APEN works (Oakland & Richmond, CA).
- For More Information: Visit their website.
Make the Road New York’s Emergency COVID-19 Response Fund
- About the Fund: Make the Road New York’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund provides direct support to the most vulnerable workers and low-income immigrant families, and to organize to ensure they are not left out of government solutions.
- Who They Help: Workers and low-income immigrant families.
- For More Information: Visit their website.
Al Otro Lado’s Humanitarian Migrant Fund
- About the Fund: The COVID-19 Humanitarian Migrant Fund will provide emergency funds to migrant families impacted by MPP Migrant Protection Protocols or “Remain in Mexico”, asylum seekers, deportees, and migrants who are currently stuck in refugee camps and shelters in extremely precarious conditions without access to medical care and basic necessities in order to survive COVID-19.
- Who They Help: Migrant families impacted by “Remain in Mexico”, asylum seekers, deportees, and migrants who are currently stuck in refugee camps and shelters.
- For More Information: Visit the website to learn more about the fund.
California Immigrant Resilience Fund
- About the Fund: The California Immigrant Resilience Fund was launched by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) to help immigrant friends, neighbors, and coworkers in California whose immigration status puts them in danger of hunger, homelessness, and extreme economic hardship.
- Who They Help: Undocumented immigrants in California.
- For More Information: Visit the website to learn more about the fund.
The Central Florida LGBTQ+ Relief Fund
- About the Fund: The Central Florida LGBTQ+ Relief Fund is meant to assist Orlando area LGBTQ+ community members who are most in need as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
- Who They Help: LGBTQ+ community members in the Orlando, Florida area.
- For More Information: Visit the website to learn more about the fund.
Destination Tomorrow TRANScend Rapid Response Fund
- About the Fund: Destination Tomorrow and TRANScend are establishing the COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund which will be used to address the emergency needs they foresee happening due to this global pandemic, particularly around how emergency funds will be distributed. They are concerned that the most vulnerable within their community, those who participate in sex work, are hourly workers or contractual, will be left behind. They also understand that there will be an increase in request for assistance with rent payments, utilities, food shortages and transportation. Their goal is to ensure that their community has access to any funding available.
- Who They Help: Black and Brown TGNC people.
- For More Information: Visit the website to learn more about the fund.
Bay Area COVID-19 Relief Application for Migrant Youth Community
- About the Fund: East Oakland DREAMers project has launched the Bay Area COVID-19 Relief Fund to support migrant youth.
- Who They Help: Funds for the qualifications include:
– Migrant youth (15-30 years old) or adult migrant guardian of youth (aged 0-20);
– Affected by the shelter-in-place order in the Bay Area (Alameda, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Marin, San Mateo counties);
– You must also be able to provide receipts (up to $500) for essential items, including rent, utilities, groceries, and insurance. These receipts do not have to be in your name, but MUST reflect essential items purchased on behalf of you/your family. - For More Information: Visit the website to learn more about the fund and to apply.
Believe in Students and Rise Education Fund’s Student Relief Fund
- About the Fund: This fund was created to support college students facing hunger and homelessness due to campus closures and job lay-offs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Who They Help: College students currently in need of support because of a COVID-19 campus shutdown.
- For More Information: Visit the website to learn more and request help. (Also, see the Hope Center’s resource list for college students impacted by COVID-19 here.)
The Trans Liberation Collective and The Brave Space Alliance’s Trans Relief Fund
- About the Fund: The Trans Liberation Collective, in partnership with Brave Space Alliance, is launching a COVID-19 Relief Fund for trans, non-binary, and intersex individuals. Payments of up to $200 per individual will be distributed to help combat the economic strain that has left their most vulnerable community members without resources.
- Who They Help: For trans, non-binary, and intersex individuals in the Chicagoland area, particularly the South and West sides.
- For More Information: See the online form to learn more and apply.
One in Ten’s Emergency Relief Fund
- About the Fund: one▪n▪ten in Phoenix, Arizona has secured additional resources to provide emergency financial assistance to LGBTQ+ youth impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Who They Help: These resources are designated for young adults 18-24 years old, legally emancipated minors or a guardian of an underage one▪n▪ten youth who will use the funds to support their child. Priority will be given to youth/families who are already signed up for services or programs at one ▪n▪ten.
- For More Information: See the their online application to learn more and apply.
RIF Asylum Support COVID-19 Relief Fund
- About the Fund: RIF’s cash assistance fund was created to support asylum seekers in NYC who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 and do not qualify for government help.
- Who They Help: Asylum seekers in NYC.
- For More Information: *Due to the number of applications they have received, they are no longer accepting applications at the moment. Check their website for updates. If you have any questions, email
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”National Resources” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]*The below organizations can help LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and other LGBTQ+ people in need located anywhere in the United States.
Immigration Equality
- Who They Help: LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive immigrants
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Due to the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Immigration Equality’s staff is working remotely, but their phone lines are operating as usual.
- Hotline for people calling from detention only: 917-654-9696 (open 9:30am-5:30pm ET on Monday through Thursday).
- General requests and other legal help: 212-714-2904 (open 1:00pm-4:00pm ET on Wednesday).
- *Client meetings will take place over the phone instead of at the office, and according to their existing policy, walk-ins are still not accepted.
- More detailed information will be posted on their website.
Click here to learn more about Immigration Equality on the InReach Catalog.
Trevor Project
- Who They Help: LGBTQ+ youth (ages 13 to 24)
- Support Type: Mental Health Hotline, Textline and Online Community for LGBTQ Youth
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: All of the Trevor Project’s programs will continue providing services uninterrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lifeline counselors will be taking calls from their homes.
- TrevorLifeline: Trevor’s trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at 1-866-488-7386.
- TrevorChat: Click on TrevorChat on the website and fill out the online form to be connected with a counselor. Confidential online instant messaging with a Trevor counselor is available 24/7. (*Access through a computer, as you may have technical difficulties if using a smartphone or a tablet.)
- TrevorText: Text “Start” to 678678 the number listed above to connect with a trained counselor. Confidential text messaging with a Trevor counselor is available 24/7/365. (*Standard text messaging rates apply.)
- TrevorSpace: Join an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24. It is a safe and supportive environment for youth to connect with others and discuss various topics. Visit the website to join the TrevorSpace network by registering for an account.
Click here to learn more about the Trevor Project on the InReach Catalog.
Trans Lifeline
- Who They Help: Trans people
- Support Type: Mental Health Hotline (peer support and crisis hotline for trans people)
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Trans Lifeline’s hotline services will stay up and are running normally. (Their staff and volunteers work from home, so they’re able to follow social distancing.)
- United States: Call 877-565-8860 to reach their peer support and crisis hotline for trans people in America.
- Canada: Call 877-330-6366 if you are in Canada.
Click here to learn more about Trans Lifeline on the InReach Catalog.
Upwardly Global
- Who They Help: Work-authorized immigrants, refugees, asylees, and Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs) who currently live in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Washington State, Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Minnesota, Tennessee or Wisconsin.
- Support Type: Employment (Job Search and Placement)
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Upwardly Global offices will be closed as they assess this rapidly-evolving situation. UpGlo staff will work from home and continue to be available via phone/email.
- Virtual Coaching: Their team of national coaches will continue to support job seekers virtually, being available by email and phone and providing online tools and resources.
- Online Meetings and Events: To the extent possible, Upwardly Global meetings and events will be conducted online, using technology resources. They are committed to proactive communication with their networks about scheduling changes.
Click here to learn more about Upwardly Global on the InReach Catalog.
Heartland Alliance’s National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), LGBTQ Immigrant Rights Initiative
- Who They Help: Detained LGBTQ+ immigrants (*Their direct representation work is limited to the Midwest, mostly those appearing before the Chicago immigration courts. This limitation does not apply to detained individuals or those seeking assistance with an appeal.)
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: If you need to call NIJC’s hotline on behalf of a detained family member: Instead of using the hotline number at this time, email NIJC for LGBTQ immigrants at:
- They are suspending all in-person legal consultations until further notice. If you have an appointment already scheduled, an NIJC staff member will contact you by phone to reschedule or make other arrangements.
- All in-person NIJC legal clinics and pro bono trainings are canceled through April 1.
- Note: NIJC continues to monitor the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Illinois Department of Public Health, and will announce further changes as necessary. Staff who are able to fulfill their duties remotely are working from home, and all are being encouraged to follow the CDC’s health and wellness guidelines. Check their website for updates.
Click here to learn more about NIJC’S LGBTQ Immigrant Rights Initiative on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Boston, Massachusetts” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
The Political Asylum/Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project
- Who They Help: Indigent asylum seekers and detained immigrants
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services; Wrap-Around Social Service Assistance
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: PAIR continues to operate its legal programs and to serve vulnerable asylum seekers and immigrants unjustly detained by the immigration service. They are making adjustments to how they serve their clients and operate due to COVID-19. Their daily work at PAIR continues on, though the office will be temporarily closed for the next several weeks. The PAIR team is working remotely and meeting with clients and pro bono partners by video and conference call. The evolving situation may result in some disruptions or delayed communication, such as with their upcoming intake clinics, attorney trainings, wrap-around social service assistance, and their Know Your Rights workshops. But they will come up with solutions so that the immigrant community receives the services it needs. Check their Facebook page for updates.
- PAIR will continue to serve anyone who turns to them for help. Clients or immigrants in need may call 617-742-9296 or email Angela, Someone at PAIR will call/email you back.
- For their dedicated pro bono partners: you may continue to reach out to your PAIR mentors and/or to Anita (617-742-9296, if you have not been assigned a mentor. Case mentoring will not be impacted, though they ask that client preparation sessions be held by telephone or video conferencing.
Click here to learn more about the PAIR Project on the InReach Catalog.
Fenway Health
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Beginning March 23, Fenway Health will implement changes to the way they operate to continue serving their patients and clients while also working to help prevent community spread of COVID-19. Following guidance from local, state, and federal government, Fenway Health is contacting all patients with appointments scheduled for this coming week and, whenever possible, converting those appointments to telehealth appointments that they will conduct by phone. They will continue to see patients in person when such a visit is absolutely necessary. Check their website here for more information on changed clinic hours and other changes due to COVID-19.
Click here to learn more about Fenway Health on the InReach Catalog.
Rosie’s Place
- Who They Help: Homeless and low-income women (including LGBT women, those in need who self-identify as female).
- Support Type: Emergency Shelter
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Rosie’s Place’s doors remain open during COVID-19—offering sanctuary and support in a time of uncertainty for all of us, but especially for the women with nowhere else to turn. Responding to COVID-19, they have incorporated social distancing throughout each service they provide. Visit their website here for more information on changes to services.
- Phone: 617-442-9322
- Address: 889 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118
- Women are welcomed in from the streets and invited to rest, regroup and spend time in a safe place. Rosie’s Place is located close to the intersection of Mass Ave and Harrison Ave near the BU Medical Center.
Click here to learn more about Rosie’s Place on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Chicago, Illinois” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Center on Halsted
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in Chicago
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The physical Center will be closed until further notice. Resource Lines will remain open. Visit the Center’s website here for a list of Resource Lines and emails that will remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here to learn more about Center on Halsted on the InReach Catalog.
Howard Brown Health
- Who They Help: Howard Brown Health is the Midwest’s largest provider of health and wellness services for the LGBTQ+ community and people living with HIV.
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care; Drop-In for Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: For the safety of the community, Howard Brown Health is working to reduce exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19) through social distancing measures. Broadway Youth Center clinical services are being routed to other clinics. For medical services, visit Howard Brown Health Sheridan. Drop-in basic needs services for LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness (ages 12-24) remains in operation on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 – 11 a.m. Check their website here for site closures and event cancellations (and changes will be updated regularly with new information).
Brave Space Alliance
- Who They Help: Brave Space Alliance is the first Black-led, trans-led LGBTQ Center located on the South Side of Chicago, dedicated to creating and providing affirming, culturally competent, for-us by-us resources, programming, and services for LGBTQ individuals on the South and West sides of the city.
- Support Type: Food Pantry; Trans Support Groups; Career Counseling; Legal Aid
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Brave Space Alliance’s Crisis Pantry program will run the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chicago. For individuals who would like to request aid or supplies through their Crisis Pantry, fill out this form. They will also be offering other services online during the pandemic. Check their website for more information here.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Florida” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
- Who They Help: LGBTQ young people (ages 13-23)
- Support Type: Drop-In Center for LGBTQ Youth
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: JASMYN is working to respond to the COVID-19 virus while still remaining open to offer limited youth services. For information on local COVID-19 screening see this website or call the 24/7 hotline: 1-866-779-6121. JASMYN encourages youth to check their website daily and before coming to the JASMYN campus because this information is likely to change. If you have questions the best way to connect with a JASMYN staff member is to email That email is being checked hourly (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM) and all inquiries are being sent to the appropriate staff member. JASMYN is also staffing the phone lines from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. They have staff working remotely answering the phone. If you need to speak directly with a staff member call: 904-389-3857 between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Learn more about their current youth services on their website.
Click here to learn more about JASMYN on the InReach Catalog.
Pridelines (Miami’s LGBTQ Community Center)
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in Miami
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: To ensure the health and safety of the community during the current COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, Pridelines has made the following adjustments to their operations:
- 1. As of March 25th, all support and social groups will be hosted remotely.
- 2. HIV Testing and Emergency Services for people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness will be provided by appointment only.
- For more information regarding remote group participation or to schedule an appointment, see their website.
Click here to learn more about Pridelines on the InReach Catalog.
Jewish Community Services of South Florida
- Who They Help: The LGBT programs offered by Jewish Community Services of South Florida has a vast array of services and resources available and provides professional and caring services on an individual, family, or group basis to address problems and challenges facing LGBTQ persons of any age, regardless of race, ability, religion, or insurance coverage.
- Support Type: Food Assistance; Mental Health Care; Local Referrals
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS) continues to serve the community during the coronavirus outbreak. During this unprecedented time, JCS remains open, providing food, counseling, crisis response and information, and referral services. For assistance, call 2-1-1 or 305-576-6550. As one of the leading human services providers in Miami-Dade County, JCS is working around the clock to support you during this time of need. Visit their website for updates and more information.
Click here to learn more about on JCS the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Los Angeles, California” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
LA LGBT Center
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The LA LGBT Center is committed to providing critical services to those who need it most and have no intention of doing anything less. The Center is a “first responder” for the LGBT community. In order to help protect clients and the community, they have currently restricted youth and senior programming to lunch services and critical needs and are postponing large gatherings. They are especially mindful of the social isolation many of their clients are experiencing and are doing everything they can to stay connected. Housing and other critical services remain open. Those staff who can work at home have been encouraged to do so.
- Service hours at their McDonald/Wright location are now 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Pharmacy is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Center WeHo is open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everyone entering the building is being screened for COVID-19; if you are feeling unwell, call and speak with a healthcare professional before visiting the Center’s locations.
- For more information, visit the Center’s website here.
Click here to learn more about the LA LGBT Center on the InReach Catalog.
- Who They Help: Latino LGBTQ community
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care; Emergency Food Assistance
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Bienestar has transitioned to working remotely. They will be back in their centers on April 6th or as soon as it is deemed safe by the LA County Health Department. They will continue to operate their virtual support groups and counseling sessions. They are also continuing to operate, at reduced hours their essential Food bank and Needle exchange services. Check their website for updates and more information.
Click here to learn more about Bienestar on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Michigan” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
LGBT Detroit
- Who They Help: LGBTQ survivors of sexual assault, partner abuse, hate crimes, and human trafficking
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: In response to the pandemic, LGBT Detroit is working from home. They are still here for those in need of services and support via email (, website (, social media (DM them), or by phone at (313) 397-2127.
Click here to learn more about the LGBT Detroit on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”New Mexico” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
The Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico (TGRCNM)
- Who They Help: Transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and gender variant people and their families
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico re-opened the Drop-In Center on Monday, April 13th to provide essential services to their community. They’ve implemented protocols and acquired the necessary tools to ensure the safest environment possible for their clients and staff to deliver their food access, health care, harm reduction, and case management programs. Effective Monday, April 13th, their Drop-In schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 1pm-5pm. Visit their website for more COVID-19 updates.
Click here to learn more about the TGRCNM on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”New York City, New York” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Ali Forney Center
- Who They Help: Homeless LGBTQ+ youth (ages 16 to 24)
- Support Type: Drop-in Center for LGBTQ+ Youth
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The Ali Forney Center will remain open during COVID-19. For LGBTQ+ youth experiencing the terrors of homelessness, the Center are their first responders. The Center is continuing to provide emergency shelter, transitional living, and transgender housing and care programs, case management, mental health services, and medical services. Drop-in services have been moved to a smaller location to promote social distancing, but street homeless clients can access crisis intervention, meals, mental health services, housing referrals, and other services in person or by phone. Call (212-222-3427) to get in touch with the Center. In-person services currently offered in Manhattan.
Click here to learn more about Ali Forney Center on the InReach Catalog.
RIF Asylum Support
- Who They Help: Asylum seekers in NYC
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Consultations; Local Referrals; Emergency Cash Assistance
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Since the COVID-19 crisis began, they have shifted their focus to helping asylum seekers navigate government benefits and private resources. They have also raised an emergency fund to provide cash assistance to the most vulnerable members of the community who don’t qualify for government help. In response to COVID-19 closures, they have postponed their regularly-scheduled activities, including their community meetings and in-person consultations. They are continuing legal consultations by phone. See their website for more information.
Click here to learn more about RIF Asylum Support on the InReach Catalog.
- Who They Help: Russian-speaking LGBTQ individuals, their friends, supporters and loved ones. (RUSA LGBT has welcomed many LGBTQ asylum seekers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and other countries of the Former Soviet Union.)
- Support Type: Social Meet-Up Group
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: In light of the coronavirus outbreak, RUSA LGBT is moving all of their meetings online starting the week of March 16th. All of the events you planned to attend will still happen — just remotely. Make sure to download the web conference app Zoom on your computer or phone so you can join them. Follow the announcements on their Facebook page for detailed information for each event.
Click here to learn more about RUSA LGBT on the InReach Catalog.
RDJ Refugee Shelter
- Who They Help: Homeless asylum seekers and refugees (33.3% of their clients are LGBTQ asylum seekers)
- Support Type: Temporary Housing
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The RDJ Refugee Shelter is still open for business during coronavirus since homeless people have no home to go to.
- Address: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (521 W.126 St. NY, NY between Old Broadway and Amsterdam)
- Email:
Click here to learn more about RDJ Refugee Shelter on the InReach Catalog.
Make the Road New York (MRNY)
- Who They Help: Immigrants in NYC
- Support Type: Immigration Legal and Survival Services; Education Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Make the Road NY is continuing to provide critical support to their communities. They will continue to support community members via remote work, telephonic and web-based services, virtual classrooms, and online organizing. If you need a service or resources, visit their website here. *Note: Effective March 16th, their community offices will be physically closed until further notice. They are also staffing a Coronavirus hotline for vulnerable communities. If you need to get in touch with them, call a Make the Road NY hotline your area and they will do their best to help answer any questions:
- Bushwick, Brooklyn – (718) 418-7690
- Jackson Heights, Queens – (718) 565-8500
- Port Richmond, Staten Island – (718) 727-1222
- Brentwood, Long Island – (631) 231-2220
- White Plains, Westchester – (914) 948-8466
Click here to learn more about Make the Road NY on the InReach Catalog.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in NYC
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Due to COVID-19, the Center is currently closed but is offering services remotely.
- The Center’s Information & Referral team is now staffing virtual “front desks” from their homes, with the Center’s phone lines open at 212.620.7310 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays.
- The team has prepared COVID-19-specific referral guides for existing services and options spanning housing, food, recovery, family support, HIV testing and more. Learn more on the Center’s website.
Click here to learn more about New York City’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center on the InReach Catalog.
Brooklyn Community Pride Center
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in Brooklyn
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Effective March 14th, the physical center will be closed to public events until further notice due to COVID-19. In an effort to continue to serve LGBTQ+ Brooklyn, the Center’s reception line (347-889-7719) will be answered by staff working remotely 7 days a week between noon and 5pm for people seeking referrals or other information. Full-time staff will work from home. The Center is also working with program facilitators to determine which events, if any, can be conducted virtually.
- They anticipate the Center will remain closed for public congregation until at least April 20th, but check their website for updates.
Click here to learn more about the Brooklyn Community Pride Center on the InReach Catalog.
Apicha Community Health Center
- Who They Help: They provide a welcoming environment for underserved and vulnerable people, especially Asians and Pacific Islanders, the LGBT Community and individuals living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Effective Wednesday March 25, Apicha’s hours of operation will be 10 AM to 5 PM. The Center is changing their operations due to COVID19 therefore they are currently NOT accepting any walk-ins. Call 212-334-6029 to make an appointment; if you reach their answering service, leave a message and they will return your call by the end of the day. Make sure your phone can accept calls or has the voice mail set up. They will continue to accept new patients. For more information and updates, visit their website here.
- For all New Yorkers: If you are not a patient but may be experiencing symptoms, call the NYC Coronavirus hotline at 888.364.3065 or the New Jersey Coronavirus hotline at 800.222.1222. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING SEVERE SYMPTOMS, CALL 911.
Click here to learn more about Apicha on the InReach Catalog.
NYC Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
- Who They Help: LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities across all neighborhoods of New York City
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services; Counseling; Local Referrals
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: AVP has decided to close their offices for in-person appointments and walk-ins, beginning Monday 3/16/20 and extending at least through 3/31/20. Despite closing their offices for appointments, they are still here for you. As always, their 24/7 English-Spanish hotline (212-714-1141) is up and running—and they will support you with counseling, safety planning, and finding resources, including medical care, and take reports on any violence you experience. Visit their website here for more information.
Click here to learn more about AVP on the InReach Catalog.
Metropolitan Community Church of New York (MCCNY) Charities
- Who They Help: LGBTQI runaway and homeless youth aged 18-24 (shelter); Open to all low-income, working poor and HIV+ individuals and families (food pantry)
- Support Type: Emergency Housing; Food Pantry
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: All worship services are online until further notice. All in-person gatherings are suspended. Pantry and shelter remain open. Check their social media for updates.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Philadelphia, Pennsylvania” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
HIAS Pennsylvania
- Who They Help: Immigrants and refugees
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: HIAS Pennsylvania is open for business during the outbreak of COVID-19. While taking appropriate precautions, including working remotely whenever possible, HIAS Pennsylvania staff is still working hard to help their clients. They continue to do intake and provide immigration legal support to all those they can possibly serve. They continue to help immigrants gain the legal status for which they are eligible. HIAS is also working hard as ever to ensure that their clients have employment, housing, and other social support. While HIAS has cancelled all in-person events, some events have moved to virtual platforms. They will be sending e-blasts about these events and posting information on their website and their Facebook page. For more information on COVID-19, visit their website here.
Click here to learn more about HIAS Pennsylvania on the InReach Catalog.
William Way LGBT Community Center
- Who They Help: LGBT community
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: As of 2PM on Saturday, March 14th, the Center has decided to close their limited 12-5PM public hours in the lobby to further limit the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) through their communities. They are also closing the Center to keyholders for 12 step meetings. If you are in need of support or connection, they encourage you to reach out to the Center.
- You can call the Center at 215-732-2220 and leave a message with voice mail, and they will call you back as quickly as possible.
- You can also email the Center (at, and your message will be forwarded to the right person.
- Or you can message the Center on Facebook or Instagram, which they will be checking regularly. The Center will also post updates there as needed.
Click here to learn more about the Willam Way LGBT Center on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Phoenix, Arizona” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Phoenix Children Hospital – Crews’n Healthmobile
- Who They Help: Homeless and at-risk youth (up to 24 years of age)
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Visit their website for more information and clinic schedule. Call ahead (602-933-9339) to make an appointment.
Click here to learn more about Phoenix Children’s Hospital – Crews’n Healthmobile on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”San Diego, California” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
The San Diego LGBT Community Center
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in San Diego
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The Center has jumped to action, transforming into a crisis response organization to deploy critical emergency services for the LGBTQ community. This included shifting individual Behavioral Health Services therapy sessions to be conducted by phone, while Youth Centers converted from drop-in spaces to drive-thru resources for emergency services, while shifting case management to 1:1 support via phone. They are continuing to provide HIV testing by appointment, and opened an emergency help desk to ensure people can get resources and referrals. They are also continuing to provide critical housing and food services to the most vulnerable, including youth and seniors. Visit the Center’s Resource page for help and information, and follow the Governor’s Stay At Home Order to help flatten the curve and slow this pandemic. To contact The Center, call: 619.692.2077 extension 211.
- *Note: Most programs have moved all 1:1 in-person meetings and case management to the phone or Zoom. In order to continue to serve the community remotely, the Center has added contact information for each program on their individual webpages and social media, so the community has the available resources of program specific 1:1 peer support via phone or Zoom.
Click here to learn more about The San Diego LGBT Community Center on the InReach Catalog.
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
- Who They Help: Immigrants, refugees and asylees in San Diego
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services; Resettlement Wrap-Around Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: As a human service agency that works with vulnerable populations, including older adults who are most at-risk, JFS is adapting their programs and reviewing alternative strategies to continue serving those who depend on them. Their staff is working to ensure all clients impacted by program adjustments or closures continue to have the support they need. For up-to-date information on JFS’ programs and modified services, visit their website here.
Click here to learn more about the Jewish Family Service of San Diego on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”San Francisco Bay Area, California” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
LGBT Asylum Project
- Who They Help: LGBTQ+ asylum seekers
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The LGBT Asylum Project will continue working remotely with their current clients via email and postal service. They will resume regular operations once public health authorities advise that it is safe to do so. If you are an LGBTQ person from another country and are currently in the USA, fill out their online asylum initial intake form.
Click here to learn more about the LGBT Asylum Project on the InReach Catalog.
Oasis Legal Services
- Who They Help: LGBTQIA+ immigrants. (They serve clients who are able to come to their office and live in the geographical area that is served by the San Francisco Asylum Office.)
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: As concerns mount about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the health and safety of their clients, volunteers, and staff are important to Oasis Legal Services. Oasis staff will not be shaking hands or giving hugs. Please understand that this is a precaution in order to keep their staff and clients safe, and please do not be offended. Their staff has also been advised to wash their hands often and is regularly disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. Hand sanitizer and tissues are available throughout their office. In addition, Oasis asks that their clients and other office visitors assist them in preventing the spread of COVID-19. If you are not feeling well in any way, stay home and contact Oasis to reschedule your appointment or arrange to meet with their staff by phone or email. Oasis is closely monitoring the situation and acting in accordance with the latest medical guidelines. At this time, there are no disruptions to their day-to-day operations. Oasis remains committed to ensuring that their clients are able to access legal assistance. As the situation develops, they will keep the community informed of any changes. Check their website for updates.
Click here to learn more about Oasis Legal Services on the InReach Catalog.
Larkin Street Youth Services
- Who They Help: Homeless or at-risk LGBTQ youth (ages 12 to 24)
- Support Type: Emergency Shelter; Meals; Hygiene and Clothing; Drop-in Center for LGBTQ Youth
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Effective Tuesday, March 17, in response to the Shelter in Place order, they are offering modified services. In this time of great need, they are committed to providing critical, life-saving services to the young people they serve. Check their website here for the most up-to-date information on the modified services offered during COVID-19.
Click here to learn more about Larkin Street Youth Services on the InReach Catalog.
The San Francisco LGBT Center
- Who They Help: LGBTQ Community in San Francisco
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Many of the Center’s programs and services have been temporarily suspended, modified, or postponed, but they’re still hard at work to see the LGBTQ community through this crisis. For updated service information, visit their website here.
Click here to learn more about The San Francisco LGBT Center on the InReach Catalog.
San Francisco Community Health Center
- Who They Help: They specialize in health care for LGBTQ communities and people of color. (Their services are available to all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and immigration status.)
- Support Type: Medical Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Their clinic doors are open for those who require in-person visits. They are encouraging patients, if possible, to access their medical and behavioral providers by phone or video. They will continue to follow all guidelines and recommendations from San Francisco Health Department related to their ongoing operations at all of their facilities. Check their website for updates.
Click here to learn more about The San Francisco Community Health Center on the InReach Catalog.
Social Justice Collaborative (SJC)
- Who They Help: Unaccompanied minors (SJC assists minor clients in obtaining a variety of types of legal status, including Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, Asylum, U and T visas, and others); Asylum Seekers (SJC focuses on providing full-scope asylum representation in court to Central Americans and Mexicans seeking asylum from violence and corruption).
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Due to COVID-19, SJC is currently not holding in-person consultations. However, SJC is offering free phone consultations (510-992-3964) between 10am-2pm, Monday-Thursday. Check their website for updates.
Click here to learn more about SJC on the InReach Catalog.
Lyon-Martin Health Services
- Who They Help: Heterosexual women, bisexual women, lesbians and transgender people. All services are regardless of ability to pay. There is a sliding fee scale for those that are low income and uninsured.
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: At Lyon Martin Health Services and Women’s Community Clinic, they are open for medical services during the shutdown. They will be holding most visits over phone or video. They will be reaching out regarding the change if you have an existing appointment. For non-urgent visits that require coming in person, consider staying at home and rescheduling until after the lock-down is over. If you are having symptoms or unsure about your need to be seen in person, call them at 415-565-7667 so they can discuss your care.
Click here to learn more about Lyon-Martin on the InReach Catalog.
National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)
- Who They Help: Although they are a national organization, NCLR’s Immigration Project is based in San Francisco, and they only have the capacity to assist people locally in the Bay Area.
- Support Type: Legal Helpline
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Call 1-800-528-6257 or 415-392-6257 during office hours (9am-5pm Pacific, Monday-Friday).
Click here to learn more about NCLR on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Washington” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Rainbow Center
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in Tacoma, WA
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Because of the current cluster of COVID-19 cases in our area and the increasing call for social distancing, Rainbow Center will be suspending its community hours and RC groups effective immediately through April 24th. They are working on alternative ways to meet the community’s needs, such as virtual group meetings and friendly check-in calls. The staff is available by phone and email throughout this time- especially for their advocacy clients.
- Rainbow Center has the ability to schedule Zoom video meetings and will do so for all meetings that keep our work moving forward and help us fulfill our mission. As soon as it is safe to do so, Rainbow Center will resume in-person programming.
- They will keep you updated on their plans through email notifications and their website/Facebook page– updates will be posted every Monday (or more frequently if the updates are more urgent).
- If you feel isolated or feel like you need someone to talk to, call them at 253-383-2318 or email them. If you reach a voicemail, someone will call you back as soon as they can. If you need confidential advocacy support, you can set an appointment.
Click here to learn more about Rainbow Center on the InReach Catalog.
Lutheran Community Services Northwest – Refugees Northwest Program
- Who They Help: Refugees and survivors of torture. (As the only certified torture treatment center in Washington State, Refugees Northwest help survivors heal from past trauma.)
- Support Type: Emergency Food Assistance; Clothing; Transportation Assistance; Forensic Evaluations for Asylum Claim
- Their Asylum Assistance program provides emergency food, clothing, and transportation assistance to help people meet their basic needs. They also coordinate a pro-bono evaluation network of physicians and licensed mental health clinicians to help asylum seekers corroborate their claim of persecution and harm.
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Due to COVID-19, all Refugees NW programs are on work remote status with clients being served over the phone, via email, and through telehealth. If you need to reach an RNW program or team member immediately, call: 206-694-5700. RNW programs offering emergency in person appointments include:
- Wednesday – SeaTac
- Asylum Assistance and Refugee Health: 206-602-1341
- Safe Release: 206-602-1351
Click here to learn more about Refugees NW on the InReach Catalog.
Gay City
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community in Seattle
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: In response to the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) health advisory, Gay City’s operations will be shifting starting Tuesday, March 10, until Friday, April 24.
- Temporary Operating Hours for Gay City: Gay City’s temporary operating hours will be Tuesdays and Fridays from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more find information on how this will affect the Center’s various programs and services visit their website here.
- Resource Center: Closed, but the resource referral phone line remains available Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at (206) 323-LGBT. Resources are also available online at
Click here to learn more about Gay City on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Virgina” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Side by Side
- Who They Help: LGBTQ Youth
- Support Type: Mental Health; Housing Search and Referrals
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: As of March 16, Side by Side will close and shift their youth support groups and other services to a virtual platform. For updates check their website here.
Click here to learn more about Side by Side on the InReach Catalog.
Feed More
- Who They Help: People across 34 counties and cities in Central Virginia
- Support Type: Emergency Food Assistance
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Feed More’s Hunger Hotline is dedicated to connecting neighbors across 34 counties and cities in Central Virginia with the food, program and resources they need in emergency times.
- To find a Feed More Agency in your area, use their Agency Locator.
- For additional help fill out the Hunger Hotline Inquiry Form or call 804-521-2500 ext. 631.
Click here to learn more about Feed More on the InReach Catalog. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Texas” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
- Who They Help: Immigrants and refugees in Texas (*multiple office locations throughout the state of Texas)
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: During the current health crisis with COVID-19, RAICES remains committed to the fight by providing critical legal, social, and advocacy services at this trying time. They do this while balancing the need to protect the people they serve, their staff, and their communities during this pandemic. RAICES is prioritizing the following at this time: Detention legal services and advocacy; Legal services for unaccompanied minors; DACA services; Legal consultation by phone; Refugee resettlement; Bond processing, if the government does not heed their request to release those in detention. Many of RAICES’ legal staff work inside detention centers on a daily basis. They’ve established new protocols for their safety and will continue to serve in socially-distanced ways in those facilities (including through glass-pane stations). For updates check their website here and check their locations page here for the latest information on appointments/consultations at each of their offices, now being done telephonically.
Click here to learn more about RAICES on the InReach Catalog.
Center for Survivors of Torture
- Who They Help: Survivors of torture (they have offices in Austin, Dallas, a San Antonio Satellite Office, and Fort Worth Office in Refugee Services of Texas)
- Support Type: Wrap-Around Services (including Counseling, Medical Care, Social Services, Forensic Reports)
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Center for Survivors of Torture has closed their Dallas office and transitioned to providing services virtually. Clients are being contacted by staff and it is the Center’s continued goal to ensure that the basic needs and mental health services are met for clients. Check their website and social media for updates.
Click here to learn more about Center for Survivors of Torture on the InReach Catalog. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Washington, D.C.” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Casa Ruby
- Who They Help: Casa Ruby provides a multicultural, bilingual, LGBTQ safe space
- Support Type: 24-hour Drop-In Center (providing food, shelter, and numerous other health-related services)
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Casa Ruby will keep their doors open during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They cannot close as they serve as a home for LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness and vulnerability. They are taking every step possible to protect their youths and staff to limit exposure.
- Drop Inn – Safe Center: 7530 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20012
- Casa Ruby Emergency Hotline: 202-355-5155
- If you have a question about their services, fill out the online form so they can direct your inquiry to the right source.
Click here to learn more about Casa Ruby on the InReach Catalog.
The Wanda Alston Foundation
- Who They Help: Homeless or at-risk LGBTQ youth (ages 16 to 24) in Washington, D.C.
- Support Type: Housing; Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: The Wanda Alston Foundation is still open during COVID-19. Their staff will continue to provide critical and life-saving housing and support to vulnerable LGBTQ youth who are experiencing homelessness. Based on the guidance of the CDC and the Department of Health, they have stocked up on food, water, and critical supplies for hand-washing, for cleaning and for maintaining safety at their facility. They are working especially hard to prevent further transmission of this virus during this pandemic and they are striving to limit its impact on homeless LGBTQ youth.
- Address (Main Office): 1701 Rhode Island Ave NW, 2nd Floor, Washington DC 20036
- Phone (Services): (202) 733-3643
Click here to learn more about The Wanda Alston Foundation on the InReach Catalog.
Whitman-Walker Health
- Who They Help: LGBTQ and HIV community
- Support Type: Medical and Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Effective Monday, March 23rd through Friday, May 29th: Whitman-Walker will operate in-person respiratory clinics to treat their patients who are affected by COVID-19 at Whitman-Walker at 1525 at 1525 14th Street, NW and at Max Robinson Center at 2301 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE. They will also have emergency dental care available at 1525 14th Street, NW. Call their main line at 202.745.7000 for more information. The only in-person appointments that they will schedule at this time are those that support the respiratory clinics. To reduce risk of exposure to COVID-19, do NOT arrive more than 15 minutes early for your appointment. Check Whitman-Walker Health’s website for updates on any changes to their services due to COVID-19.
Click here to learn more about Whitman-Walker Health on the InReach Catalog.
The DC Center for the LGBT Community
- Who They Help: LGBTQ community
- Support Type: LGBTQ Resource Center
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Taking guidance and recommendations about social distancing from the DC government and the CDC, effective March 16th, The DC Center for the LGBT Community’s office will be closed. Staff are still working remotely, and will be checking emails and voicemails multiple times each day.
- Reach out to to connect with the DC Center, as they are still able to provide services and support.
- If you are interested in attending support groups remotely, reach out to your facilitator or and the Center can provide options for remote meetings using conference lines.
Click here to learn more about The DC Center for the LGBT Community on the InReach Catalog.
SMYAL (Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders)
- Who They Help: LGBTQ youth in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region
- Support Type: Drop-In Center for LGBTQ Youth; Mental Health Care
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: Beginning Monday, March 16th, SMYAL main offices will begin working remotely while continuing to offer vital programs for LGBTQ youth virtually. Check their website for updates.
Click here to learn more about SMYAL on the InReach Catalog.
The Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights (CAIR) Coalition
- Who They Help: Detained immigrant adults and children, who are facing removal from the United States in immigration court proceedings, in the states of Maryland and Virginia (there are no detention centers in Washington, DC).
- Support Type: Immigration Legal Services
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: In response to the coronavirus, CAIR has put into effect contingency plans to provide legal services as well as access to their detention hotline to the thousands of adults and children detained in the region while working remotely. This includes continuing their Bond Program to help get as many adults as possible out of detention and back home with their families, even in these uncertain times. The Bond Program, which has an 89% success rate, is helping families get back together sooner. Check their social media and website for updates.
Click here to learn more about CAIR on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”West Virginia” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%234892da” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]
Covenant House of West Virginia
- Who They Help: Homeless and at-risk people (they reach out to those in need, irrespective of race, class, gender, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or national origin).
- Support Type: Food Pantry; Housing
- Accessing Services During Coronavirus: In response to the growing risk of COVID-19, Covenant House is adapting and limiting their services to prevent the spread of the virus in the community. Therefore, they will be closing their Service Center. Covenant House staff members will begin working from their homes, and there will be no public access to their building, effective March 24. Despite the temporary closure of the Service Center, their work will not stop. They will continue to provide as much support as possible for the community’s vulnerable citizens while acting in accordance with the health guidelines specified by the CDC. Their food pantry distribution will continue in partnership with Manna Meal. Their Housing Assistance programs will continue assisting nearly 300 clients with the support of staff through email, phone, and electronic platforms. The Centralized Intake process for individuals experiencing homelessness will temporarily relocate to the Roark-Sullivan Men’s Shelter. Check their website for updates and call (304-344-8053) for more information.
Click here to learn more about Covenant House of West Virginia on the InReach Catalog.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row]