Thank you to our Spring 2024 interns!

A big thank you to our 16 Spring 2024 interns for all their help building the world’s first open source platform matching LGBTQ+ people facing persecution or discrimination with safe, independently verified resources! Our Spring 2024 intern cohort collectively contributed over 1,200 hours (equating to over $38,000 in economic impact) towards advancing InReach. 🤩🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Highlights by intern team

Resource Team Interns (English)

  • Re-verified over 140 organizations, confirming that they still meet InReach’s independent vetting criteria for inclusion on our platform and making note of updates to help keep our resource data up-to-date; 
  • Suggested dozens of organizations for inclusion on InReach across a wide variety of service types and geographic locations;
  • Helped beta test InReach’s brand new custom backend data portal!

Resource Team Interns (French)

  • Assisted the Translation & Proofreading Team by translating ~30,000 words from English to French;
  • Helped to connect InReach to organizations in French-speaking locations of Canada; 
  • Helped to research new LGBTQ+ affirming organizations in French-speaking locations of Canada to add to the InReach App.

Translation Interns 

  •  Translated ~430,000 words on the InReach App from English to French, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Persian, Haitian Creole, and Ukrainian, making InReach more accessible to speakers of different native languages;
  • Proofread ~470,000 AI or human-translated generated-words on the InReach App from English to French, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Persian, Haitian Creole, and Ukrainian;
  • In addition to translating for the InReach App, the Spanish Translation & Proofreading team also helped to make the #TransMascFutures Campaign more accessible by contributing Spanish translations for campaign submissions.