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InReach Welcomes 3 New Governing Board Members
InReach is thrilled to announce the appointment of 3 new members to our governing board of directors! Get to know more about our new board members below.
Tanushree Khanna, PwC & 2022 InReach Junior Board Co-Chair
Tanushree is an Assurance Manager at PwC, based in Atlanta, GA with a CPA License providing external audit services to public companies. Within PwC, she is an active member of Shine (PwC’s LGBTQ+ network), PACIN (Pan Asian) and EnvIn (Environmental) inclusion networks. Tanushree grew up in Amritsar, India and attended Emory University for her undergraduate degree. She identifies as a Visual Artist and is on the Emory Atlanta Creative Alumni Board where she co-started the program ‘Creativity+’.
Tanushree previously served on the InReach Junior Board from 2021-2022, including serving as a 2021 Co-Chair.
Slavi Arnaudov, The Blackstone Group & 2021-2022 Junior Board Co-Chair
Slavi is a Tactical Opportunities Investor at The Blackstone Group focused on opportunistic investments across all geographies, industries, sectors and asset classes. Previously, he was an Investment Banking Analyst at Evercore focused on advising Industrial companies. At Evercore, he was also a founding member of EverProud, the firm’s LGBTQ+ employee resource group, and served as captain of the undergraduate LGBTQ+ recruiting team. Slavi received a B.S. in Finance and Statistics from the NYU Stern School of Business, and he currently serves on the NYU LGBTQ+ Alumni Network Board of Directors.
Slavi is originally from Sofia, Bulgaria and grew up in Los Angeles, California. Having experienced first-hand the challenges of being an LGBTQ+ immigrant in the U.S., he is excited to help fellow LGBTQ+ immigrants navigate the asylum process and advance InReach’s mission.
Slavi previously served on the InReach Junior Board from 2021-2022, serving as a Co-Chair during both years.
Hannah Willard, Heart Forward Consulting
Hannah Willard is a campaign strategist specializing in legislative advocacy, crafting persuasive messages, and building winning coalitions. She is a heart-forward, bipartisan, relationship-driven advocate, serving as an independent consultant to nonprofit advocacy organizations, providing strategic guidance and campaign consulting specializing in coalition building, legislative advocacy, and public education campaigns.
Most recently, as Vice President of Government Affairs for Freedom for All Americans, Hannah served as the organization’s lead lobbyist and political strategist at the federal and state level. In this role, she lobbied Congress to pass the Equality Act and the Respect for Marriage Act, was a founding member of the Virginia Values Coalition which successfully secured passage of the first LGBTQ nondiscrimination law in a Southern state, and oversaw FFAA’s work to support state and local organizations and their efforts to defeat hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills in battleground states nationwide.
Hannah has spent the past decade developing deep relationships with state-based LGBTQ advocacy organizations and allies across the country to advance state and federal nondiscrimination laws to protect LGBTQ people and their families. Her heart-forward ethos brings together people from all walks of life who support freedom and fairness for LGBTQ people, including conservatives, business leaders, and people of faith. She is a convener, connector, empathy addict, and relentless optimist.
Hannah graduated magna cum laude from the University of Florida with degrees in Economics and Women’s and Gender Studies. She currently lives in Orlando, Florida with her partner, Franklin.