Team Member Features

Thank you to our Summer 2023 interns!

A big thank you to our Summer 2023 interns for all their help to ensure every LGBTQ+ person has free, on-demand access to the safe, affirming resources they need to thrive. Our Summer 2023 intern cohort collectively contributed over 3,000 hours (equating to an economic impact of $95,000+) towards advancing InReach’s mission.

Highlights by Intern Team:

Resource Team Interns (English)

  • Re-verified 271 service pages in the U.S. and Canada
  • Re-verified every single organization in the U.S. that had not been updated recently 
  • Julia Linder emailed 197 organizations and made a huge contribution to post-relaunch data tagging projects

Resource Team Interns (Spanish)

  • Contributed significantly to the translation of organizations’ profile pages from English into Spanish by translating over 62,000 words 
  • Learned and utilized Crowdin, an online localization platform, to update and edit previous Spanish translations, as well as machine-produced translations 
  • Translated the new front-end of the redesigned InReach App 
  • Re-verified ~55 service pages in Mexico and Puerto Rico

Resource Team Interns (French)

  • Brought the InReach App to French speakers for the first time in native French! And translated over 40,000 words for InReach
  • Translated the new front-end of the redesigned InReach App into French; translated organization’s profile pages from English into French
  • Learned and utilized Crowdin, an online localization platform, to edit machine-produced English-French translations
  • Re-verified ~25 service pages in French-speaking Canada 

Junior Board Program Interns

  • Collected over $550 in in-kind donations of flyers, window cling, and stickers!
  • Formulated ten huge, comprehensive lists of great outreach locations for material distribution 
  • Coordinated outreach to LGBTQ+ Pride Centers in all communities represented by 2023 Junior Board members as well as areas for 2024 Junior Board Chapter expansion 
  • Contributed to recruitment experience evaluation for Junior Board members
  • Created regional-specific recruitment toolkits to aid future recruitment efforts 
  • Increased cross-chapter engagement through organizing and hosting weekly and monthly virtual trivia events for Junior Board members 

Development Interns

  • Identified and researched 750+ funding prospects for InReach
  • Sent introductory emails to 250+ corporations to start the conversation about becoming a financial supporter of InReach
  • Assisted with preparing 75+ grant applications to foundations and corporations
  • Outreached to 250+ service providers listed on the InReach App to obtain endorsements for InReach’s work by completing a letter of support sign-on form
  • Identified and solicited ~50 individuals to become members of InReach’s Giving Club
  • Identified, began registering and creating profile pages for InReach to participate in Giving Days in 25 targeted communities across the U.S. 

Social Media Interns

  • Created and scheduled posts across InReach’s social media channels (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) 
  • Designed engaging Instagram Story and TikTok content to grow InReach’s followings
  • Generated visibility for the new #TransMascFutures Campaign,organized by InReach and GLAAD, via connecting the campaign to current social media trends 
  • Drafted new animated video content to support InReach’s storytelling efforts 
  • Conducted online research for a new project aimed at illustrating what happens when marginalized LGBTQ+ people lack access to safe resources vs. have access to affirming services 

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