Bruno Rovai, Young Professionals Board

About Me:

Education & Training

Current Employer & Position Title: Macquarie Asset Management, Sr Manager, Sovereign Strategist

Young Professionals Board Chapter: Tri-State Regional Area Chapter

Years Served on Young Professionals Board: 2022, 2023, 2024

Bruno is a Sovereign Strategist in the Emerging Markets Debt team at Macquarie Asset Management with a focus on Latin America. Previously, he was a Sovereign Desk Analyst at Jefferies and a Latam Economist at Barclays.ย 

Bruno moved to NYC in 2014, and, despite having a strong employer-sponsored support system, he found the US legal, health, and tax system difficult to navigate. His passion for AsylumConnectโ€™s mission comes from the realization of how daunting this process must be for those in his LGBT+ community that are in very vulnerable situations without any support system.

Bruno is originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil where he received a B.A. in Economics at the University of Sao Paulo. In Brazil, Bruno was a coordinator for Sonhar Acordado, a non-profit that attends to children in cancer treatment. He also volunteered at Techo, a non-profit that builds wood houses for families in precarious living conditions in Brazilโ€™s slums. More recently, Bruno volunteered at SAGE by helping with in-house visits to senior LGBT+ clients. He also worked with New Alternatives to collect Christmas gifts for their homeless LGBT+ youth clients.