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Years Served on Governing Board: 2021-2023
After co-founding Prop C: Commissions For All, a ballot measure that gives all San Franciscans equal rights to serve on city commissions regardless of immigration status, Hans was appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve on the Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board to develop permanently affordable housing in San Francisco.
Born and raised in Malaysia, Hans is a proud first-generation college graduate from Wesleyan University. For his work on AsylumConnect (now InReach), Hans has been a featured speaker on LGBTQ+ rights and immigrant rights through national outlets including Forbes, Teen Vogue, The Daily Beast, The Bay Area Reporter, Upswell, and Lavender Law.
Before joining the governing board of directors, Hans previously served as the volunteer Vice President of AsylumConnect (now InReach) from June 2017 – May 2021.