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InReach Product Update (May 2022)
InReach App Change Log – May 2022
See below for a log of technical enhancements made to the InReach App during May 2022. Follow our blog’s change log series for future monthly product updates.
Want to use your engineering skills for good? We’re looking for experienced volunteer web developers to join our remote team.
Rebranding from the “AsylumConnect Catalog” to the “InReach App”
- Released the rebranded InReach web app, including native iOS and Android mobile apps
- Read our press release for more information
InReach App Front-End
- In response to the leaked draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, we have added a new “Abortion Services” subcategory (under “Medical”) to our free tech platform for the United States to help make it easier for our users to connect with safe, verified providers offering abortion services.
InReach App API
- Added a new “Abortion Services” subcategory (under “Medical”) to our free tech platform for the United States to help make it easier for our users to connect with safe, verified providers offering abortion services.
- Conducted more work on cleaning up and stabilizing automation tests
- Added a bug report template to the GitHub repository
Control Panel (Backend Data Portal)
- Added pagination to the “Suggested Organizations” section (can be seen when there are more than 20 orgs to be reviewed)
Engineering Team Updates
- Onboarded 3 Web Developer Summer Interns