InReach statements

InReach’s Policy Priorities for the Biden-Harris Administration’s First 100 Days

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Under a Biden-Harris administration, we are hopeful that the United States can return to a much needed beacon of hope for LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers searching for a safe place to call home. We join the calls for the new administration to prioritize restoring the U.S. asylum system and advancing LGBTQ+ equality during their first 100 days in office. There is so much work to be done.

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  1. Remove the “Remain in Mexico” policy

  2. Terminate the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs)

  3. Release all transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people from detention

  4. Increase the number of resettled refugees the U.S. accepts every year

  5. Pass the Equality Act

  6. Reverse the trans military ban


Β We look forward to the Biden-Harris administration returning the U.S. to a place of refuge for persecuted LGBTQ+ people during their first 100 days and beyond.

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